ADHD & Executive Function Support

Image of person working on their laptop. This image could depict someone who is searching for ADHD treatment in Washington, DC. Get started with ADHD therapy today. | 20001 | 20003

The Connection Between Executive Function and Mental Health

Struggle to stay on top of tasks, at work, school, or home? Find yourself easily distracted or procrastinating during times when you’d like to be productive? Have a hard time managing your time and staying organized? Did you know that these day-to-day challenges are often related to mental health challenges?

Something that many people don’t realize is that challenges with ADHD or executive function often contribute to mental health issues such as low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. This occurs when we grapple to understand why we behave and struggle in certain ways and why “simple” tasks seem to be harder for us than for others. In therapy, you can learn to better understand who you are, improve executive function skills, and begin making more informed and empowering choices, which can increase self-esteem and reduce anxiety, stress, and depression.

Image of person looking stressed. This image could represents someone needing executive function support and ADHD treatment in Washington, DC. Get started with an ADHD therapist here. | 20005 | 20007

Benefits of Executive Function Support

The benefit of working with a therapist on executive functioning is that we understand how anxiety, stress, and other emotional issues impact our ability to manage our day-to-day, manage relationships, and vice versa.

We treat you as the whole person you are and use a holistic approach to make connections between mental health and your ability to perform these functions. Our integrative process will help you understand how these challenges can impact one another, allowing you to address and see improvements in both areas simultaneously.

 Executive Function Support Can Help With

  • Organization

  • Time management

  • Planning and prioritizing

  • Focus and concentration

  • Task initiation

  • Procrastination

  • Work-life balance

  • Goal identification

  • Impulse control and self-restraint

  • Stress tolerance and management

  • Self-monitoring

  • Flexible thinking

  • Motivation

  • Memory

Our Approach to Executive Function Support in Washington, DC

Person with headphones in the city. This image could illustrates the calm found after getting ADHD treatment and executive function support in Washington, DC. | 20008 | 20009 | 22201

Our therapists at The Sterling Group can help you identify, understand, and address the underlying causes of your difficulties with executive function. There is no one-size-fits-all approach; we will create an individualized plan with simple, straightforward strategies tailored to best address your specific goals and needs. 

Your therapist can help you develop skills related to organization, time management,  concentration, prioritization, and more. In therapy, you can learn to recognize and build upon your strengths and develop skills to move through life with greater focus, confidence, and success. 

Start Executive Function Support in Washington, DC

Are you ready to start improving your executive function skills, and begin making more informed and empowering choices for yourself? Are you ready to take back the time you’ve lost from executive dysfunction? Get the support you deserve from a skilled therapist at our Washington, DC area therapy practice!

  1. Schedule a consultation with us using our contact form.

  2. Meet with one of our knowledgeable therapists.

  3. Start building the skills and self-confidence you need to thrive in your life!

Other Services at The Sterling Group

If you’re struggling with other things besides executive function and/or ADHD, our therapists have even more to offer. We provide couples therapy and dating and relationship therapy for those that are looking to grow in their relationships. If you’re just hoping to work on yourself, we offer therapy for life transitions and support for depression, anxiety, and self-discovery, as well as EMDR Therapy and IFS Therapy. Additionally, our therapists offer services online or in-person at our Washington, DC-based counseling practice and Online Therapy in Virginia to cater to your schedule and make it as easy as possible for you to prioritize your healing. We would love to chat with you today about the ways we can support your growth in all areas of life!