LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapy

LGB couple holding hands in front of an inclusive PRIDE flag representing the way LGBT affirmative therapy can help you become confident in your identity. Our LGBTQ counselors in Washington, DC can help

Need support in understanding or navigating your sexuality and/or gender identity?

Have you ever felt like there is something missing when it comes to knowing who you are? Our world today makes it far too easy to disconnect from our unique selves. Growing up, we are taught what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. We discover the ways we will be accepted and loved and the ways we will be excluded and ignored. Maybe we pick an ‘acceptable’ person to have a crush on during middle and high school rather than liking who we actually like. Or perhaps we choose a gender expression that doesn’t align with our true gender identity. This kind of split from our real self can lead to an overall lack of understanding and dislike of our true identity. 

Photo of two gay men holding each others hands representing the way lgbt counseling can help you feel more confident in your identity. Reach out to one of our lgbtq counselors in Washington, DC.

The Good News

The good news: there are so many tools to help people explore their identity! 

When individuals embark on this journey, there are many confusing layers that can be difficult to navigate. Questioning your identity can bring up feelings of anger, shame, fear, and more. These feelings are often painful to sit with, especially alone. But the experience of exploration doesn’t have to end here. Understanding and accepting your identity can bring feelings of peace and excitement. Knowing yourself in a deeper way can allow you to express yourself more freely with others. It can make you feel at ease in previously uncomfortable environments, and continue the journey of self-love. 

LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapists Can Help You Explore Your True Identity. 

The Sterling Group’s allied and queer-identifying therapists are experienced and trained to lead you through these conversations in a way that feels safe. Many people enter therapy wanting to address issues such as anxiety, depression, dating, and life changes (sometimes all of these at once!). If sexual and gender identity are not part of these conversations, it can be difficult to gain true insight into the reasons these issues are occurring in the first place. 

Others may already have a thorough understanding of their sexual and gender identity and are looking to process trauma related to their experience as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Our therapists are all trauma-informed and equipped with the skills to help you navigate your unique experience. No matter where you are in your understanding of your identity, our therapists are committed to helping you feel a sense of belonging. 

LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapy Could be Helpful if…

Photo of two women being affectionate representing how lgbtq affirmative therapy can be helpful in relationships. Find a lgbt therapist in Washington, DC by reaching out to our team.
  • You have questioned things like:

    • “Am I attracted to this person or do I just really want to be their friend?”

    • “Why do I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin?”

    • “What if my feelings are ‘just a phase’?”

  • You have had difficulty finding the right words to ‘come out’

  • You have feared the repercussions of coming out

  • You have struggled to envision a life that embraces your true identity

  • You have struggled to accept your identity within the context of your culture or religion 

  • You are fearful of facing even more marginalization 

  • You haven’t been able to find an accepting community

Ready to Begin LGBTQ-Affirming Therapy in Washington, DC?

LGBTQ+-affirming therapy at The Sterling Group offers a truly safe space to explore your identity and all of these questions at your own pace. While conversations about sexual and gender identity can feel overwhelming at times, you don’t have to navigate them alone. Our team of therapists understands and validates the breadth of identities that exist within the human experience. We are here to encourage you along the way to self-acceptance. If you have ever wondered if there is more to discover about your identity, we are ready to meet you and get started with these steps:

  1. Schedule a consultation with us using our contact form.

  2. Meet with one of our knowledgeable allied or queer-identifying therapists.

  3. Start living the life you truly deserve!

Other Services at The Sterling Group

Oftentimes, struggles with sexual identity can manifest into other issues. At The Sterling Group, we understand and that’s why we offer more than just LGBTQ-affirming therapy. We also provide couples therapy and dating and relationship therapy for those that are looking to grow in their relationships. If you’re just hoping to work on yourself, we offer therapy for life transitions, depression treatment, anxiety therapy, and support for self-discovery, as well as EMDR Therapy and IFS Therapy. Additionally, our therapists offer services online or in-person at our Washington, DC-based counseling practice, and Online Therapy in Virginia to cater to your schedule and make it as easy as possible for you to prioritize your healing. We would love to chat with you today about the ways we can support your growth in all areas of life!